Nickomo & Rasullah

Events & Workshops ~ Diary

This page is a diary of our events and workshops.  For some events (eg. Whitsun Voice Camp)  there are dedicated pages giving more information and booking details - follow links in the diary (also see the sub-navigation above).


MAY Friday 24th – Tuesday 28th June. Whitsun Voice Camp near Lyme Regis, Dorset. Beautiful site, lovely teachers, children’s activities, storytelling etc. More info: Whitsun Voice Camp

JUNE 22nd Celebrate Summer Solstice at East Woodlands Village Hall, Nr Frome BA11 5LQ The Sun at its zenith, Dances of Universal Peace and simple Druid ritual.   More info: Seasonal Celebrations

3rd -11th August UNICORN NATURAL VOICE CAMP on a beautiful site by Westwood Manor near Bradford on Avon. Many gifted voice teachers, children's activities and lots more. See  

17th-25th August UNICORN DANCING SPIRIT CAMP Same site as the Voice Camp, lots of Dances of Universal Peace also Harmonic Temple, circle dance, drumming and many other fascinating workshops plus children's activities etc. For details see 

SEPTEMBER 21st. Celebrate the Autumn Equinox with us at East Woodlands Village Hall, Nr Frome BA11 5LQ The balance of light and dark, a time of harvest and reflection. Dances of Universal Peace and simple Druid ritual.   More info: Seasonal Celebrations

OCTOBER 5th  (to be confirmed) HARMONIC TEMPLE day to include a healing circle after lunch.
 Wanstrow Village Hall, near Frome      

OCTOBER 26th. Samhuin Celebration with us at East Woodlands, BA11 5LQ, nr Frome.
The veils between the worlds are thin, a time to remember loved ones who passed over and seek wisdom from the ancestors. Seasonal Dances of Universal Peace and a simple ritual. Contact us.    More info: Seasonal Celebrations

DECEMBER 14th. Winter Solstice Celebration. A time to reflect on the passing year and celebrate the rebirth of the light, the Mabon, as the sun begins a new journey upwards in the sky. The day includes seasonal dances and songs, ritual and sharing. Contact us.


FEBRUARY 1st. Celebrate Imbolc with us at East Woodlands village hall BA11 5LQ. Listen to Nature begin to stir again, call in the blessings of Goddess Brigit, a time of hope and new beginnings. The day includes Dances of Universal Peace, some simple ritual and a sharing of how we are. Contact us.  More info: Seasonal Celebrations

MARCH 22nd. Celebrate Spring Equinox with us at East Woodlands Village Hall near Frome BA11 5LQ, Dances of Universal Peace, simple Druid ritual, sharing round. Focus on turning outwards into the time of greater light, balance and harmony.    More info: Seasonal Celebrations

APRIL 26th. Beltane Celebration  at East Woodlands, BA11 5LQ nr Frome. A celebration of nature's beauty and the standing together of the May Queen and the Green Man. Spirit and nature dancing together. Seasonal Dances of Universal Peace and a simple Druid ritual. Contact us    More info: Seasonal Celebrations


Contact Nickomo & Rasullah ~ tel: 01749 850474 ~ e-mail: 

Page last updated: 23 April 2024    |   website design: Jonathan Penley